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STUDIO 111 - Technology Company Headquarters

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Conceptual and Pragmatic Site Considerations

3m 21s

Scott Parker of Studio 111 takes us through the schematic design and design development phases of a technology company headquarters.  He’ll talk about the challenges they faced with the structural system as well as the local area. Additionally he will talk through the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems used.

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It's not a brown field site, meaning there's no contaminants we need to take care of, but we do need to go down deep enough to handle both the basement in the new building and the basement for the parking garage that we'll look at later. So we need to go about 20 feet to 30 feet down, depending on the location, cap those wells per current city or state standards, and then we can move forward with the project itself. Also, the site has no percolation at all so in California you're not allowed to just take runoff from your roofs or decks and just run them into the gutter or into the storm drain system.

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From the course:
STUDIO 111 - Technology Company Headquarters

Duration: 38m