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Detailing Precast Concrete Where Building Systems Come Together

4m 43s

Chris Heidrich of JLG dives deep into the Design Development phase of the Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant.  He explains why the building configuration is crucial to the operation of the plant, as well as incorporating industrial size building systems into the project.  He also covers site issues and how the soil conditions impacted the structural design.

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So this project is primarily precast concrete along the way which tends to take care of it's self, and the way that we handle precast from a specification stand point and a structural stand point is that we have, our engineer of record for the structural design along the way and they're setting up the parameters about what that should be, but the Pre casters, the people who are making the panels and the Precast tees are actually responsible for the full engineering of the project, so detailing precast can be kind of tricky along the way to make sure that happens. And there's also certain things that we wanted to pull off that aren't necessarily always done on precast from a thermal stand point partially because we have a really humid environment. We didn't want that to become an issue on the interior of the building, something that you wouldn't usually see in precast detailing are thermal breaks on that exterior wall of precast.

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