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HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

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Evaluating Parking Needs

3m 44s

Jorge Barrero of HKS takes us through the schematic design phase of Prince Sattam University teaching hospital in Al-Karj, Saudi Arabia.  He will explain how the economical and cultural conditions in Saudi Arabia influenced the building’s design. Additionally he will talk about the building program, budget, and materials used.  

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There are multiple drop-off areas for vehicles. We needed ample parking and you can see the building was placed in the center, which gave us the most flexibility to control its orientation to maximize the benefits of those passive strategies that we wanted to build into. So it didn't hinder us to be in some sort of grid or predetermined site, so that was a benefit.

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From the course:
HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

Duration: 34m