Handling Work Quantity

1m 12s

Get an in-depth explanation of Practice Management with Lindsay Green and Alex Anamos of R&A in Culver City. They’ll talk through RFP’s, RFQ’s, and help give a better understanding of staff organization. Additionally, they will discuss how to avoid risk, handling quantity of work, and confidentiality requirements.

Handling the quantity of work is very important because if you overburden your staff, you're not gonna do a good job on the project. If you don't have enough work, people are sitting around not being efficient. So we have a pretty good way of projecting fees out for the next two, three, sometimes even six months. And that gives us a very good idea of the picture of what we can absorb in terms of new work. But then, of course, it begins with the proposal process. We immediately look at the scope of the project and how much staff it's actually gonna take. And then if we compare that against the projections, I think we get a pretty good idea of whether we'll be able shoehorn it in in the workflow in the next two months, a half a year, and then the year.

We also have to ask the client, when do you wanna get started, 'cause some projects don't get started right away, some have a little lag time, and some will go into planning entitlements and so forth. So all of those things are really, really important. It's a complex process, but as long as you have a handle on those basic tools, it's more manageable than not.

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Duration: 16m