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Horse Trading

2m 18s

Eric Balogh of The Beck Group talks about the architect’s role during construction & evaluation at the Peachtree Center project in Georgia. He’ll explain RFI’s, submittals, quality assurance & quality control, site visits, and field reports. Get information on the revision process, payout process, and a better understanding of the Punch List process.

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Say for instance, if I miss something in my design, if I forgot bollards in a parking lot, or say at the same time, say our estimation department did not put enough money in for that, you work with them to come up with a solution that still meets the design intent, but also can still meet the budget and it's essentially a zero change, zero worry in a lot of ways. It's less of a formality and more of a pat on the back, in a way. It's like they're making sure that you're getting, as an architect, the product, the design that you want but at the same time, they're making sure that they have the money and the labor to be able to install it.

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From the course:

Duration: 54m