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HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

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How Cultural Requirements Impacted the Specialty Systems and Building Design

3m 45s

Jorge Barrero of HKS takes us through the schematic design phase of Prince Sattam University teaching hospital in Al-Karj, Saudi Arabia.  He will explain how the economical and cultural conditions in Saudi Arabia influenced the building’s design. Additionally he will talk about the building program, budget, and materials used.  

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In this particular project and the fact that it's a teaching facility, the male and female student population do share some space, but we definitely had to provide some segregation into our planning. For instance, the auditorium had to have separate entrances for men and women. A lot of that had to do with events, for instance, a speaker came in to do a lecture and where you are going to have students and potential people from the town coming together and you have to provide that segregation.

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From the course:
HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

Duration: 34m