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Noteable Site Attributes - Railroad Yard and Chicago Datums

1m 21s

Laura Crane of bKL Architecture takes you inside Parcel O in Chicago - a mixed use project of residential and commercial use. She’ll cover everything from schematic design and design development to how the client and existing buildings influenced and affected the building’s design.

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If you ever take a step back in Chicago and not just look at a block in its entirety but several blocks in their entirety you'll notice these horizontal lines that are continued through various buildings and we follow that horizontal datum over here in Lake Shore East as well. So the podium height is kinda determined by the surrounding higher road infrastructure and we keep this horizontal line throughout all the projects in Lake Shore East. So, when we came and put the design solution for Parcel O this was no different and we wanted to maintain this horizontal datum and have this project fall in with the unity of the surrounding buildings.

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Duration: 12m