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Outsourcing HR and Payroll

1m 11s

Get an in-depth explanation of Practice Management with Lindsay Green and Alex Anamos of R&A in Culver City. They’ll talk through RFP’s, RFQ’s, and help give a better understanding of staff organization. Additionally, they will discuss how to avoid risk, handling quantity of work, and confidentiality requirements.

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We're finely did it's best to outsource a lot of this, we have found some very very good human resources, collaborators who come from bigger firms and we think that if we're gonna grow to that size, getting that big firm expertise is a good place to start instead of building it from the ground up. Also, for pay rolling so forth, most firms outsource that. Here in Los Angeles, I've found that's probably one or two that service the majority of firms and it's a relief to not have that, as part of the, you know, daily workflows, so outsourcing is a big way, especially in this growing complex and grow-increasingly complex environment for pay rolling union resources.

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Duration: 16m