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Prioritizing Components of the Building

2m 15s

Laura Crane of bKL Architecture takes you inside Parcel O in Chicago - a mixed use project of residential and commercial use. She’ll cover everything from schematic design and design development to how the client and existing buildings influenced and affected the building’s design.

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The Higher Star hotel brand, was very important that their suites had lakeside views, so we placed that hotel brand on the eastside of the site facing Lake Michigan. The second hotel brand their catchment is a younger hipper crowd, so it was very important that we put those views, facing west towards the city. And both hotel brands share a mini deck, that they really want this to be a lively, active center within the city, so when we were planning and laying this out, we analyted mini zen studies, to figure out the point on the podium that would get the most direct sunlight exposure and that was the western most part of the deck so that's where we placed the pool.

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Duration: 12m