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Providing Parking Based on Zoning Requirements

6m 6s

Cooper Pierce of Jones Pierce Architects explains the extensive zoning process for the project Villa De Grip in Atlanta.  He begins by giving the zoning history of the site, and walks through the rezoning process. He also talks about zoning overlays and how local requirements impacted the building design.  

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So, this helped us to explain to them that what was gray level down here, by the time we got up here, you were up on the second floor of this building and that the other, the parking was at this level, this level and then a lower level in there and so, we were showing the garage entering there and we actually had an office level above that. This was showing from going up at the corner of Copenhill, looking back down, that really sort of helped them start to understand that the house that was in the property next door, higher up and gray they were to this building. So the model really helped them experience what we were trying to do as a mass and this showed the courtyard.

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Duration: 36m