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HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

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Reviewing Site Context and Cultural Context

3m 35s

Jorge Barrero of HKS takes us through the schematic design phase of Prince Sattam University teaching hospital in Al-Karj, Saudi Arabia.  He will explain how the economical and cultural conditions in Saudi Arabia influenced the building’s design. Additionally he will talk about the building program, budget, and materials used.  

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And so, it really took a lot of research and it also takes getting to know, not just the parts of the world that have these sort of situations out from a climate and cultural perspective, but it's important to visit the site and to do as much information gathering as possible to better understand how to solve their problems. The project that we're talking about is Prince Sattam University Teaching Hospital and it's located in a town called, Al Kharj, which is about an hour's drive southeast of the capital of Saudi Arabia, which is Riyadh. It's a small town that is primarily grown out of the university.

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From the course:
HKS Chicago - Prince Sattam University Hospital

Duration: 34m