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Site Visits - QA and QC Walkthroughs

1m 56s

Eric Balogh of The Beck Group talks about the architect’s role during construction & evaluation at the Peachtree Center project in Georgia. He’ll explain RFI’s, submittals, quality assurance & quality control, site visits, and field reports. Get information on the revision process, payout process, and a better understanding of the Punch List process.

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You are now kind of enforcing the contract which is your construction documents, your specifications, and making sure that they're being built to your documents and to your specifications and the quality of that is actually part of there. There's tons of sections in your specifications about quality, workmanship's very important, making sure that everything looks right, joints are aligned, you know kind of all the nitpicky things that architects love, we love to kind of talk about and a big part is depending on your contract, generally it's a weekly site walk. So every week, you'll come and observe construction, walk the site with kind of the key stakeholders, the superintendent, the construction project manager, just to get a feel for where the project is one, what work is coming up, what work has been completed and then to sort of observe what's happening and document the work that is in place.

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Duration: 54m